My seven purposes as a mother for 2017

Although it is good to be constantly looking for ways to be a better person, the end and beginning of the year are an ideal time to stop and think about how we have been and the things we can improve. They are an excellent indicator to measure a before and after.

When we become parents, our children become our main motivation to improve every day and strive to be a good example for them. That is why I want to share with you the list of purposes that I have become as a mother for this coming year 2017.

Spend more quality time with my daughter

Many times between work, personal earrings and household items such as washing clothes or tidying the room, our days fly by and at nightfall we realize that we hardly live with our children.

An important part of what it means to me to be a good (and better) mother is dedicate quality time to my daughter. It doesn't matter if it's 10 minutes or 2 hours, 5 times a week or just 2. The idea is that these spaces always exist, even if they are small, to spend time together and feed our mother-daughter relationship.

Learn with and from my daughter

Having a child is like starting over from scratch in the school of life. When you thought you knew everything, a baby arrives and the whole picture changes. You learn by him and by educating him, you learn with him too.

This next year I want to devote more time to learn through your eyes how amazing the world is and also learn from her to give value to all those little things which sometimes as adults we stop giving importance or ignore.

Listen carefully to what my daughter thinks and feels

Part of dedicating quality time to my daughter is listening to her. The secret to having a close relationship with our children is as simple as that: listen. There are days when I am stressed and I have so many things in my head that stopping to listen to what she has to say seems impossible.

But it is very important to do it. For a boy, all you have to say is of great importance, whether something cheerful or sad, he is sharing a part of his being with us. Let's not forget that during their first years, we as parents are the whole world for them.

Be more patient

Probably the most desired purpose by all mothers. Sometimes we feel that motherhood overwhelms us and if we also add the list of responsibilities of work, home and partner, we end up feeling overwhelmed and when that happens we can lose our temper.

Being patient is an art that we must practice daily to master it. It is important to remember that our children are just learning how many things work and how to manage their emotions. We already know all that, so let's take a deep breath and remember that It's just a bad day, not a bad life.

Avoid screaming and scolding

This goes hand in hand with my previous purpose, being patient. Shouting nobody understands, except a child. The only thing we provoke acting in that way is fear in the child and we create a huge distance as parents and children. Raising without screaming can be a challenge, but it is something that can be achieved with effort and patience.

Learn to love my body

How do I intend to teach my daughter to accept herself as she is, if I myself do not feel happy with my body? I must learn to love my imperfections, to be able to show her by example that happiness is not based on the size of her pants or a number on the scale.

To love our body is to accept it and value it as it is, with the scars and curves we may have. But it is also worry about him Y take care of it. Being aware of the wonderful mechanism that transports us everywhere is something that I would love to convey to her.

Don't forget me

A very common situation with most mothers is that the moment you become a mother, many of your needs and desires go to the background, because at that time it is essential to give your baby all the care and attention he needs . Sometimes we pass the hand and we completely forget ourselves.

For this next year I want to remember that I also have needs and tastes, that I'm not a bad mother for wanting to have moments for myself and that I must take care of myself, both physically and spiritually.

These are my seven purposes for 2017, some are easy, others not so much, but all have a common goal: to be a better person and a better mother. Which ones are yours?

Photos | Pixabay
In Babies and more | My New Year's resolutions as a mother, do you share them ?, New Year's resolutions for parents