An English school encourages children to go to class with slippers to go home because children perform better

When the environment favors, children feel more comfortable and their attitude is less forced towards learning. In northern European countries it is common for children to get barefoot when they enter class, just like they do at home, because there is snow or ice outside and they bring it to the sole of the shoes.

But by moving this model to other countries, they found that without shoes, children learn more and better. At the Findern Primary School in Derby, in rural North England, they have also launched this initiative and they encourage children to wear walking shoes at home because they perform better.

More calm and relaxed

The school has 150 students and their managers ensure that the behavior of schoolchildren has changed, that they love the idea, that they are more calm and relaxed.

Knowing the results of an investigation by the University of Bournemouth, conducted over a decade with tens of thousands of children in more than 100 schools and in 25 countries, which reveals that the benefits of going barefoot also have an impact on the academic environment, one of the teachers suggested it and the English school authorities decided to put it into practice.

"Schoolchildren who attend their classes without shoes are more likely to get better grades and behave better than those who wear them."

The author of this study explains that 95 percent of children do not read at home sitting in an upright chair, but tend to look for more comfortable positions. Being without shoes it makes them feel at home and more relaxed while they learn.

They also found that 'Shoeless' children (without shoes) are more engaged in their lessons, which in turn leads to better academic performance.

Even some teachers joined to wear slippers to go home in class and ensure that they feel more relaxed and also that children's performance has improved.