What does the baby feel when the mother is sad during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a particularly sensitive stage for women. There are many changes that are taking place in your life, both physically and emotionally, and of course this is no stranger to pregnancy. The emotional health of the mother strongly influences the development of the fetus and the health of the baby and leaves sequels for the rest of their lives.

Anxiety and depression in pregnancy is more common than we think. It is believed that one in four women suffer from it and there are investigations that relate these emotional states to higher rates of ADHD, impulsive behaviors and developmental disorders of their children. But, What does the baby feel when the mother is sad?

According to a study by the University of California-Irvine, when the mother is sad, depressed or lives a very strong emotional experience, your brain's neuronal activity is modified generating chemical changes that reach the baby through the bloodstream. Something similar to what happens with drugs or alcohol.

The authors of the research analyzed several mothers who suffered depression before and after pregnancy, and at birth, the same was done with their babies. They explain:

“Human fetuses are active participants in their own development and are collecting information for their own lives after birth. They are preparing for the rest of them based on messages or signals that the mother provides and if, indeed, what surprised us most in this study was to verify that babies could feel just that, the psychological state of their mother ”

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By opposition, when the mother is happy and laughs, it produces endorphins that pass the baby through the placenta and produce feelings of happiness, well-being.

It is indisputable that what the mother feels, the baby feels in gestation. Although we believe it is protected and isolated from the outside world, the mother's emotional health influences her development and will affect her emotional and physical well-being for the rest of her life.

If you are pregnant and you are going through a difficult situation, we give you some tips to keep stress away. If you think you might be suffering from depression in pregnancy, at the slightest symptom, seek professional help. For your health and that of your unborn baby.

In Babies and more Women's brains change since pregnancy, so you can create a closer bond with your baby

Video: Coping with Anxiety and Depression During Pregnancy (July 2024).