Incredible: again a baby locked up alone in the car ... and not for a forgetfulness!

When you read news of this type, you get goosebumps and a lump in your stomach when you think about what might have happened and ask yourself how there may be parents who forget their child inside the car. In fact, it is not necessary to search the archives too much to find cases of childhood deaths from suffocation when locked in a vehicle (summer, winter or any time of the year).

What is even more surprising and unworthy is that someone leave your baby alone and locked in the car being perfectly aware, as this mother did in New Zealand. It was not necessary to question her to know that she had left the baby intentionally or where she had gone: she left a note about the baby indicating that she was shopping.

"My mother has gone shopping, call this number if I need anything"

This not so unusual fact happened in the parking lot of a commercial premises (Pack'n Save) in the city of Porirua, in New Zealand.

The passersby, perplexed at the situation and the note, waited to see if the mother appeared, but the minutes passed and she did not return to the car. One of the pedestrians who saw the situation decided to take a picture of the baby and spread it on social networks to raise awareness about this irresponsible attitude. Of course, the case has reached a stir and the outrage of many people, and it is not for less.

As the mother still did not appear, other people who were there decided to call her and she appeared as if nothing had happened and missed the expectation caused. Luckily, the baby was in perfect condition, but we will always have doubts.

How long would it take for the mother to return if nobody called her on the phone? What if something happens to the mother while she is shopping? What happens if nobody sees the baby? What if the little one moves and the little note placed on it falls, or just wakes up and looks alone? What if they steal the car? What happens if who sees the baby decides to take it?

Anyway, the chances of the issue ending in tragedy are so varied, that I don't explain how anyone can "play it" that way.

Risks of leaving an abandoned baby in the car

Nothing can be more explicit than a video to see what happens to children locked in a car. The temperature inside a closed and unventilated vehicle rises vertiginously, becoming a real furnace.

A minor who remains alone in a car for only 10 minutes in a row at a moderate outside temperature is very likely to suffer from heat stroke, dizziness, vomiting, headache and tachycardia. 25 degrees outside can turn to the sun in 40 degrees in a few minutes inside the car.

If you spend more time you can easily reach 50 or 60 degrees inside the vehicle. But it is not necessary to wait so long, since at that temperature a baby can not stand. A child's body can reach 40 degrees right away, when internal organs begin to fail, and lead to death in a few minutes if it reaches 42 degrees.

In short, the responsibility of being parents often shines for their absence and we find cases of neglect like this. Let's be aware: Leaving your baby abandoned in the car and putting a note on your phone number will not save your life.

Video: Don't Forget To Remember. Reflect. Holly Furtick (July 2024).