Drug use can be prevented since they are preschoolers. We give you the keys

We usually associate the drug use prevention with adolescence, but the reality is that we must start working before, much earlier. The more prepared our children are, the more tools they will have to face this situation when the time comes. But aren't they too small in preschool age to talk about it?

No, they are not too small to address the issue. In these ages it is precisely when children are prepared to learn the necessary skills that in the future will enable them to take responsibility for their behavior, which will help them resist the pressure of their environment (friends, etc.), to handle the problems consciously and to be respected as individuals, that is, to have a good and healthy self-esteem.

In the same way that we help them to establish Healthy habits In matters such as nutrition, exercise or hygiene we can do so with respect to drugs. But how can we do it?

A relationship of trust with good communication

If we intend that in the future our children tell us what they do, what they fear, what they want (or what pressures they are receiving from their peer group) we cannot wait for that moment to show them that they can trust us.

Trust and good communication is something we should work from very young, and not only to address the issue of drugs, also for the prevention of sexual abuse or to ensure a secure attachment.

  • Listen to what I tell you, you should know that we are available for him / her
  • Talk to your child every day: Tell him how your day went, this way it will be easier for him / her to tell you how yours has been.
  • If you do questions try to make them open, that is, they cannot be answered with a “yes” or with a “no”. This makes it easier for them to provide us with more information and to feel heard (my father / mother asks me why he cares about me and my things).
  • Answer your questions, whatever they are and whatever they are. If children perceive that there are issues that are taboo they will learn that there are things that "it is better not to talk", and that goes against what we are looking for, isn't it?
  • Ask him about his opinion. That they are small does not mean that they do not have it (and very clearly). With this we make them feel valued, which will favor better self-esteem. Studies show that, for example, low self-esteem with 11 years correlates with more risk of drug use with 20 years.
  • Transmit the importance of taking care of your body, eating well, exercising, sleeping ... In this way we begin to establish healthy habits (contrary to drug use). How? Highlight the moments when you do something healthy and the consequences it has. Look how long we will be able to play because we have a lot of energy thanks to having rested well! or Look how much I can run thanks to how well I ate today.
  • Encourage him to make decisions for himself. Sometimes we go in such a hurry that we don't realize that by deciding for them we are not allowing you to develop your decision-making skills. For example, let him choose what to wear to go to school (if you are tormented that he goes like a fantoche, prepare several sets and choose between them: he will have the feeling that it has been his choice).
  • Explain things, even if it seems small if you adapt the language will understand. Apart from obviously keeping toxic products away from home, we can perfectly explain why you should not touch or take them. In the same way we can take advantage of doctor visits, when you prescribe some medicine, to talk about substances that help us get well, when should we take them, when not ...

We are your example, your model

Children learn not only from what we tell them, they learn (and much) from what they see we do. Since we are his model, we should begin to reflect on our behavior, what we are teaching him with it.

  • Is our leisure always linked to the consumption of alcohol or drugs? Do we use alcohol or drugs to "solve problems" or reduce our stress?
  • Now let's try to use it consciously to provide you with a healthy model.

It's never too early to go sown the seed which will allow our children to face the challenges of the future or be prepared to take care of themselves. Let's talk to them, show them that our trust and go hand in hand with them on this road, sometimes risky, that is to grow.

Photos: Pixabay.com

In Babies and More: Do children need to go to daycare to socialize?

Video: Prevent Teen Alcohol & Drug Addiction. Addictions (July 2024).