Did you know that a large number of babies are conceived at Christmas? We tell you why

The Christmas season is a time of celebration in which we live with greater intensity all those joys and good wishes. Optimism is breathed in the environment and smiles are part of everyday life. Without a doubt it is a time that fills us with enthusiasm and which many of us see with enthusiasm.

During this time, giving and receiving gifts is common, but a study shows us that not only gifts of a material nature arrive, but very special ones: it turns out that most babies are conceived at Christmas. We tell you why.

The study

According to the study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology and which sought to analyze the influence of the time of conception, during winter there is a greater chance of conceiving, compared to summer.

The study analyzed the deliveries of more than 1,100,000 women aged 29 and under during 1994 and 1998 in Texas. The researchers found an interesting pattern, since like older women, young mothers were more likely to give birth during the summer months.

An investigation of Magnet, in which they were given the task of discover if there were any days or months with more births in Spain than the average, coincides with the results of this study.

They found that September was the month with the most births, followed by October, indicating that they had been conceived during the Christmas holiday period. Similarly, in their investigation they found that in the United States the day on which there were more births was September 9, followed by 19, 12 and 17 of the same month.

Will it be the excitement of the Christmas season?

You may wonder why there is a increased pregnancy during Christmas, and there are different theories, some in beliefs based on common sense, but also others with scientific support.

Let's start with those of common sense: in the cold season it makes you want to stay at home curled up and we have more free time inside the house (so to speak). If we add to that the joy and hope that is lived in the dates, we can say that one becomes more loving during the Christmas season. Also, of course, in some situations, toasts and celebrations make us closer to each other.

On the other hand, we have the scientific reason that more babies are conceived at Christmas than at another time of the year. It turns out that the cold season is ideal for getting pregnant. According to a study that analyzed the influence of the season on fertility and human reproduction, they found two causes:

  • Men produce higher quality sperm during the winter season, compared to summer.
  • Changes in the duration of daylight during this time make the ovules have a better environment to be fertilized.

So you already know, if you are thinking of having a baby, maybe it would be a good idea to ask Santa Claus for it, which seems to be a gift that usually brings couples at Christmas.

Video: How We Conceived Quintuplets (July 2024).