A single mother of triplets asks for help in her community, and her children earn three grandmothers!

With the arrival of a new baby, we adjust to a new way of life: all our routines change, our schedule goes a little crazy and of course, our body resents all those hours of sleep that are so lacking. Imagine now, do all that but not with one, but with three babies. You might like having a pair of hands to help you, right?

This is what happened to a single mother of triplets, who When he asked for support in his community for the care of his babies, he received a great response and now has three sweet "grandmothers" to help.

There is a very famous phrase that says: "It takes an entire tribe to raise a child", but today and with the lifestyle we lead, the tribe is not usually something that we can all have within our reach, is it ? We share you a beautiful story that proves that when it comes to raising babies, the tribe still exists.

A few weeks ago, Hayley Arsenault became a single mother of three beautiful babies: Hogan, Rylan and Finn. After spending a month in the hospital, they went home and there Hayley's mother could support her for a few weeks, however, she had to go back to work, leaving Hayley alone with the care of her three babies. "When the day was approaching for her to return to work, we realized that maybe I would need some extra hands during the day"says Hayley in an interview for Babble.

Hayley and her family live in a city on Prince Edward Island in Canada, where a small and very close community is located. Seeing that the situation at home would be somewhat complicated for her alone, she decided to ask for help through Facebook to people from the city where she lives. Immediately, Hayley received responses from many volunteers who were delighted to help her take care of her babies.

Together, they organized weekly schedules and each one re-scores to return the next week when they have a chance. But among all those volunteers, three sisters stand out: Jenny MacDougall, Alice Mokler and Anita Arsenault, who in turn are grandmothers of their own grandchildren. Every Wednesday, the three grandmothers arrive at 9 in the morning and each of the triplets takes over.

In an interview with CBS News, one of the grandmothers, Jenny MacDougall says they don't see any of that as an obligation: "For me, it is a gift to come here. We talked, we compared the babies. I love every minute of it".

For his part, Anita Arsenault - who is not related to Hayley even if they have the same last name - says that it is very fortunate that they are three sisters: "I don't know if I would be equally excited if I had to come alone. Three is perfect"In addition to feeling a special connection with the babies, the three sisters take the opportunity to see each other and catch up, while enjoying the care of the triplets.

For Hayley, the show of support his community has had has been incredible: "Having strangers who come home and really form a connection with your babies is amazing. They become people you know and trust, and that's best of all"Her parents also help with the care of the triplets and are just as grateful as her, since they can go to work with the assurance that both Hayley and the babies are in good hands.

The grandmothers are happy and hope to continue supporting Hayley and the triplets as long as possible. "I love. I enjoy it. And I always said that when I left, all I wanted to do would be rocking babies in my arms"says Jenny MacDougall.

Personally, the story of how this small community came together to support a mother who needed it seems really beautiful to me. It is a sign that the tribe still exists and that there will always be people willing to help.

Photos | Hayley Arsenault (reproduced with permission)
Via | Babble
In Babies and more | Why it is easier to be a mom if you have a tribe

Video: Single Mom Thrilled To Have Triplets, But After Birth Her Plea Online Changes Their Fate Forever (July 2024).