They expel a family from a plane because their two-year-old daughter had started crying while boarding

In recent years, the issue of traveling by plane with babies and young children is one of the most controversial generated by various situations that have arisen. In particular, we have seen cases of mothers who are expelled from airplanes for an incident related to their children.

Now, one more case has gone viral, in which airline staff expels a family, even though the two-year-old girl who was traveling with them had already calmed down, after crying for a few minutes while everyone boarded the plane.

The identity of the family that was traveling is unknown, but one of the passengers who was on the same flight just a few seats away from them called Alexis Armstrong, took a video and posted it on her Facebook account, due to the outrage that It caused him what happened.

According to what Alexis narrates in the text that accompanied the publication in his profile, the staff of the Southwestern Airlines airline in the United States, expelled a man and his two-year-old daughter because the girl started crying because she wanted to go on his legs and didn't want to sit in her own seat.

According to Alexis statements for Inc., this occurred while passengers were boarding the plane and preparing to take off. Then a flight attendant approaches the father and tells him that he should calm the girl or they should leave the plane, so Dad asked him a few minutes to talk to his daughter and reassure her. But apparently, what she did was find another partner for the family to withdraw from the flight.

When the girl calmed down and sat in her place after a couple of minutes, the flight attendant and another airline employee approached again and told the father that they should withdraw from the plane, because they could not travel on that flight. At the same time, the pilot warns through the speakers that they will return to the boarding gate for an incident related to customer service. And that's when the video we now share begins:

Interestingly, something happened that is not usually common in these cases: some of the passengers who were sitting around them began to defend the family, telling employees that the girl had already calmed down and was in her seat.

However, the flight attendant then addresses all passengers and tells them: "We have permission to take off. We must all understand the operation, unfortunately". But as the passengers continued to defend the family, she raised her voice more and tells them: "What they do is not being useful. Do you want to go to Atlanta? The decision is made".

After the passengers continued to defend the family, the hostess goes to Alexis and tells him that what is happening does not concern him and that he stops taking video, and even Alexis says that she told her and another passenger that they defended the family, that if they continued talking they would be the next to be expelled from the flight.

In the end, the father leaves the plane annoyingly but quietly, while the passengers around are dissatisfied with what happened. Although the video does not show what happens before they ask the father to leave the flight, the reactions of the passengers make us think that the treatment of the staff towards the family was not correct and perhaps their way of acting It was exaggerated.

According to information from the New York Post the airline sent a statement after the commotion that was presented on social networks by the publication of the video, in which it mentioned that the family traveled on the next flight to Atlanta and that they would go to them to know if they had any comments about their experience, while they would always be welcome to travel with them.

They are only children

Some of the comments we can hear in the video are those of Alexis and other passengers saying that it was just a little girl, who was scared and that the father had asked for a minute to reassure her, something he managed to do but apparently for Southwest staff it was not enough.

It is true that the flight attendant was following the regulations and above all must ensure the safety of passengers, however it seems that it was not the best way to treat the family, especially since the girl had calmed down.

Among these cases, and parents who deliver sachets with candy and earplugs so that their babies "do not disturb" other passengers, we would have to reflect on the diminishing tolerance towards babies and children for having their own behaviors of their age.

Video: Woman Removed From Plane After Claiming She Was Allergic To Dogs On Board (July 2024).