World Autism Day: more than thirty stories adapted for children with autism

As we always commented, the love for books starts from an early age. In spite of the difficulties that children with autism may have to begin with reading-writing, and although it takes them longer than other children without ASD, we must not insist on bringing them closer to reading.

We can find a variety of books with stories specially adapted for children with autism, thanks to a pictogram system called SPC (Pictographic Symbols for Communication) based on drawings and colors that facilitate understanding. We have done a selection of collections and books which add up more than thirty children's stories so that they also enjoy the pleasure of reading.

Learn Collection

It is a collection of 15 stories with pictograms for children with autism. José, the protagonist of the stories where the little ones will learn self-care, routines and emotions. Stories with a simple structure for the correct understanding and learning of basic skills. Can be found free online, but you can also download it as part of an interactive application in Visual Learners.

Enjoy Collection

The Enjoy collection includes five more stories aimed primarily at fun and entertainment. Original stories of adventures whose design, writing and illustration is focused on the best understanding by the little ones. They can also be found for free in Visual Learners as well as download and share them.

David's Adventures

Is a collection of adapted stories in which different situations of everyday life are presented for its protagonist, David, a child with autism. With titles like 'David visits the city', 'David goes to camp', 'David goes to a mall', 'David goes to the beach' help children see themselves in those situations that for a child without ASD can Being normal while for a child with autism it can be a whole world.

The stories use a system of graphic symbols and pictograms easily understandable and simple. Each book costs 13.30 euros on Amazon

Ana's world

Like the previous collection, the author is Ainara Calvo Llorente and here the protagonist is a girl with autism. In 'Ana goes to the market', 'Ana visits her grandparents', 'Ana goes to school' the story of a day in Ana's life is told with pictograms. They include cards with illustrations of the stories and each title is found for 13.30 euros on Amazon.

'Nicolás goes to the library'

'Nicolás goes to the library' is part of the Makakiños collection, created to bring reading to people with educational support needs. Follow the path of previous titles, such as 'Nicolás goes shopping' and 'Nicolás cooks without fire' by author Alicia Suárez for the BATA Autism Treatment Association. You can find it here and also on Amazon for 15.20 euros

Chivones goats

From the same previous collection, this is the story of three goats, one large, one medium and one small, that one day they wanted to cross the bridge to eat grass. It is a story adapted by BATA from the version of Olalla González. You find it here for 13 euros.

Game Manual for Children with Autism

Finally, it is not a story in itself, but it is a book created for children with autism with exercises, materials and game strategies, from the cucujón to the symbolic game. It brings many ideas to work with the child all the features of ASD. You can find it for 23.75 euros on Amazon

David goes to the mall (David's Adventures)

Today in Amazon for € 13.30

Ana Goes To The Market (Ana's World - Cue

Today in Amazon for € 13.30

Nicolás goes to the library (Makakiños day by day)

Today in Amazon for € 15.20

Game Manual for Children With Autism: exercises, materials and strategies: From cuccuhind to symbolic play

Today in amazon for € 172

Video: Adaptive Behavior Profiles in Autism Spectrum Disorders (July 2024).