The importance of breakfast

Imagine for a moment what happens in the body after ten or twelve hours of fasting: it needs to be loaded with nutrients and energy, right? Well, a poor and inadequate breakfast can negatively influence the health of our children; keep in mind that children are in the growth stage, therefore, the multiple activities they perform during the day require a varied and balanced diet that covers their basic feeding needs. Numerous studies have shown the importance of breakfast and its relation to the physical and intellectual performance of the child and have reached the conclusion that the lack of glucose hinders the proper functioning of the brain. In addition, a good breakfast avoids the “pecking” or meals at heart, habits related to childhood obesity.

What would be the ideal breakfast? It is obvious that it cannot be the same for a grandfather as for a teenager, for a pregnant woman as for an active adult. Let's see what is the right breakfast for a young child in full development. Every child's breakfast must contain, minimally:

  • Milk or yogurt: In addition to providing calcium, milk is also a good source of the best quality proteins, vitamins A and B1, essential nutritional elements in the children's diet.

  • Bread or cereals: all forms of cereals and bread are sources of energy and provide protein.

  • Fruit or fruit juices: all fruits contribute to meet the child's needs for iron, liquid and vitamins.

  • Other ingredients, but not to abuse !: eggs (rich in protein, iron and vitamin A), cheese (provides calcium and vitamin A), butter or enriched margarine (provide energy and vitamin A), jams or honey (they supply sugar ), gelatin (provides protein, mineral salts and nine of the ten essential amino acids).

  • Attention: none of the drinks containing stimulants are suitable for young children, so coffee and tea are not recommended.

Video: Is Breakfast Actually the Most Important Meal of the Day? (July 2024).