Hair loss during postpartum

Postpartum moms discover frightened that, some months after giving birth, they begin to lose hair. They run their fingers through their hair and the strands get caught in their hands or they notice it after showering, when they brush. If this is your case, you will surely be wondering why this happens and if it has a solution. Don't despair!

Hormonal changes during pregnancy affect the hair. Estrogen causes its growth and it is for this reason that pregnant women look spectacular in their hair, which become abundant and thick.

After having given birth the hormonal patterns are readjusted and it is normal, then, that you go through a excessive hair loss after giving birth. It is simply the normal fall that would have taken place during the 9 months of pregnancy. So, it's not that you're losing more hair than usual: don't panic. What happens is that, because of the hormonal changes, you hardly lost hair for nine months! This gives you the feeling that your hair has less volume than usual. The hair replacement cycle is regularized during the first two or three months after delivery. However, if you notice that you are losing whole handfuls of hair, you may be missing vitamins or minerals, or it may be a sign of some other health problem. Consult your doctor if you think that hair loss is unusual or excessive.

Video: How I Coped With Extreme Hair Loss After Pregnancy I Mom Bod (July 2024).