What is considered a risk pregnancy?

It is not to be alarmed, but if your doctor has considered yours to be a risky pregnancy, it means that you will need special attention and more frequent and strict control than if it were a normal pregnancy. Naturally, there are more serious and less worrisome risks. But, What are the factors that determine that a pregnancy is at risk?

Mothers under 17 and over 35 are more likely to have problems that may pose a risk to the baby. Diseases of the mother before pregnancy or that appear during pregnancy such as diabetes, anemia, alcoholism, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease and infectious, kidney or mental diseases can cause serious consequences in the baby and even death. Also, multiple pregnancies are considered at risk due to the high probability that they will lead to premature birth as well as the early threat of premature delivery.

Repeated abortions, having had a child with some malformation or problems in a previous pregnancy can be a risk as well as complications that are detected during pregnancy such as delayed growth of the fetus, chromatopathies of the fetus, alterations of the amniotic fluid or heart rhythm of the fetus, aging of the placenta or any factor of fetal distress that the doctor considers a risk to the baby.

As a prevention, doctors advise all those women who are planning to get pregnant to make a prior consultation to the gynecologist to be able to detect and solve problems in time.

Video: High Risk Pregnancy Indicators and Diagnosis Q&A (July 2024).