Feeding influences fertility

If you are thinking of having a child, there are some tips that can be very useful. Your body and mind may need some changes to promote sperm quality and maintain a hormonal balance.

But to begin with, it is good to know that stress hormones cause a decrease in sexual motivation and reproductive capacity, so if you are looking to get pregnant, inner peace is fundamental and for this there are methods that combat stress such as yoga, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation ...

There are also plants that help improve fertility such as sarsaparilla, which helps eliminate harmful substances that harm sperm, or damiana, a stimulating and aphrodisiac plant that enhances the amount of sperm. There is a long list of plants that help, as far as possible, improve fertility, but you should consult with the specialist. It all influences fertility, what you eat, what you breathe, even body weight. There is a saying that is very good, "tranquility and good food", that is the basis to achieve the goal you have set, get pregnant.

Having a very high or very low body weight can have an impact on the hormonal level, you should avoid consuming saturated fatty acids, as they negatively influence the metabolism of essential fatty acids. Sugar also depletes the reserves of some nutrients, tea, coffee and chocolate also alter the hormonal level and no longer say tobacco and alcohol, the latter, it is better that you forget it already.

Drinking a minimum of two liters of water, infusions and natural juices outside of meals, try to avoid the lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, essential amino acids and essential acids in your diet, will favor fertility. It is also advisable not to spend more than five hours without eating anything, as it could cause blood glucose rises and falls.

You already know, one proper diet and a healthy mental and spiritual state will greatly help to improve fertility.

Video: Can I Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding? CloudMom (May 2024).