Babies born in winter smarter than summer babies

According to a study by scientists at Harvard University if you son born in winter will be smarter and bigger than those children born in summer. The research carried out followed the development of 21 thousand boys and girls around the world. Research shows that there are large seasonal variations in weight, height, head size and mental ability.

Researchers believe that the effects of seasonal variations in diet, hormones, temperature and exposure of the pregnant mother to viruses and light can influence the baby's characteristics. Compared to those of summer, those born in winter were significantly longer at birth, and at seven they were taller, heavier and with greater cranial circumference. They also obtained better marks in a series of intelligence exercises. At that age, those born in winter and spring had an average of 210 grams more weight, 0.19 cm more height and a cranial circumference significantly larger than those born in summer and autumn. Also winter babies were the longest, while spring babies were the heaviest at seven years, and also the tallest.

But, on the other hand, children born in summer are more optimistic than winter grumpy.

Via | La Jornada More information | Schizophrenia Research

Video: Study shows winter-born babies bigger, taller, and smarter (July 2024).