To suck your finger

To suck your finger It is very common in babies. Since they are in the womb and thanks to ultrasound you can see how they do it.

In newborns the suction in an instinctive reaction. Almost all babies suck their fingers, sooner or later. When the breast or bottle are not close, it is natural for the baby to calm down sucking something, the finger, blanket, a pacifier, his hands. Sucking your finger usually reaches its peak between 18 or 20 months of age. As they grow interest in the finger begins to decrease.

If your baby sucks your finger, you can consider it a habit that meets the innate need for suction. If you continue to suck your finger, specialists agree that there is no need to worry about damage to baby teeth. The child can turn to the finger when he is hungry, very tired, uncomfortable or bored. By two or three years, the little one will probably have more interesting things to do and will be too busy to remember to suck his finger.

If the child continues to suck his finger after five or six years after losing the baby teeth, a visit to the dentist or a child counselor will help to intervene to eliminate the habit.

Long and persistent sucking of the finger can lead to a bad occlusion. If the child sucks his finger by pressing the root of the tooth, this may cause a bad formation of the upper jaw, causing the projection of the upper teeth outward. This long-term habit can also cause abnormality in the bones of the favorite finger.

And if there is no remedy for the habit, it is best to go thinking about an orthodontist.

Via | Meu bebezinho More information | Baby Site

Video: 14 Day Old Great Dane Puppy Sucks My Finger Like A Bottle - Puppy Love (July 2024).