Iron deficiency anemia

The iron deficiency anemia It is a common and widespread type of anemia among children, including the youngest ones and that is usually easily resolved. Iron deficiency is a frequent disorder among children, this deficiency is associated with the decrease in hemoglobin values, a protein found in red blood cells.

Iron is the main component of hemoglobin and when there is a need for this mineral, the amount of red blood cells in the blood is usually reduced, although this is not exactly the case, in fact a number of these blood cells become discolored.

This type of anemia is of slow progression, it appears as the iron reserves of the child's organism are depleted. When this happens, there are some alarm signals that indicate the possibility that the child suffers from anemia, such as a more inapetent attitude, has slight headaches, shows fatigue easily or we can even notice it because of the fragility of his hair and his nail. Despite all the alarm signals we have mentioned, there is one that is very clear and evident, it is the paleness that the child can present on his face. The specialists usually control the red color that the internal mucous membranes must present, such as those in the lower eyelids or those of the lips.

Luckily, breast milk ensures that the child's body receives the right amount of iron and the problem is more difficult to present while taking it. In fact, if a child drinks pasteurized cow's milk before 12 months, it may represent acquiring this type of anemia, since this milk captures the iron that other foods contain, preventing the child's body from absorbing it.

Iron is very important, since it is used by the body to activate the immune system against an infection or disease.

Whenever your child has any of these symptoms, it is advisable to take him to the pediatrician to assess what are the measures to be taken in case of an iron deficiency.

Video: Iron Deficiency Anemia, All you need to know! (July 2024).