Parents do not do sports with their children

According to the data provided by a study, a 41.5% of Spanish parents do not do any sport in the company of their children, 28% do so sporadically and 25% say they do some sport regularly. On the other hand there is a high number of parents who think that their children practice enough physical activities, up to 68%, 31.60% of parents consider that they do little sport and finally 20% say that sport is nonexistent in them .

It is important that children perform some type of sport for proper development and to prevent some problems such as obesity. Sedentary lifestyle is a bad companion for adults and children, and there are a lot of studies that certify it. It is in our hands to create healthy habits in our children, one of those habits is undoubtedly physical exercise, as it is associated with a healthy lifestyle. Our children generally follow the path we set for them, if we teach them the right steps from an early age, we will guarantee optimal physical and mental development.

It is understood that for labor issues, sometimes it is difficult for a father to share with his son a while of physical exercise, but it must be seen from another point of view, it is like playing for a while with the child, it will not suppose to us the same physical effort and we will practically not get tired. Instead, we will be facilitating the introduction to the healthy way of life for our child.

Experts believe that those who can adequately motivate children are, without a doubt, parents, sports, development, intelligence, health, self-esteem, etc. Let's not let outdoor sport become something we should remember as distant for the sake of our children.

Video: Kids' fun in playing sports can sometimes hinge on parents (May 2024).