Increase fatty liver or steatosis in the child population

A serious problem hangs over the child population, it is a frequent chronic disease, the fatty liver. The accumulation of fat in the liver is currently affecting one in two children, almost half of obese children have fatty liver. In principle it is a benign disease, but if it evolves it can become something really serious like liver cirrhosis and then liver cancer.

In children, this upward trend is worrying and is clearly associated with the increase in childhood obesity. A study was conducted in Granada with 119 obese children and it was demonstrated thanks to a liver ultrasound that 43% of them had steatosis (fatty liver) and 7.6% had an increase in transaminases (enzymes that are located in the liver and that allow to transform certain substances). Remember that the liver is the largest factory in our body and is almost always altered by bad eating habits and inadequate. There are several factors that can lead to a child suffering from fatty liver, obesity, a sedentary life or a poor and unbalanced diet among others, can trigger a fatty liver and subsequent consequences. We must establish in children from small the appropriate habits and lifestyles, it is the best way to guarantee that they do not suffer certain diseases and that they live a full, healthy and balanced life.

Video: Fatty Liver Disease. Q&A (July 2024).