"Describe paternity / maternity in five words or less," the fun challenge for parents on Twitter

Having children is something that gives us many, but many funny anecdotes, and sometimes even incredible, to tell. Perhaps some are a bit disgusting, like the one of the father who found his daughter covered in poop from head to toe and others at the time do not cause us so much thanks, as when the children in their innocence say out loud something they shouldn't and They make us a little ridiculous.

Defining maternity or paternity in a few words is something that may not be so easy ... except if you take it with humor. That's how they are the responses of some fathers and mothers to participate in the fun challenge that invites you to define it in five words or less.

The hashtag is # ParentingIn5WordsOrLess on Twitter and in a few hours it has become a trend due to the large number of responses given by thousands of people, trying to define having children in five words or less.

The responses of fathers and mothers come from all points of view, from tender things to very, very realistic moments, to others that they remind us that we all live and go through very similar situations, and many of them, it is better to take them with a sense of humor.

One of these situations, for example, is that moment in which we need a rest and in which we are sometimes forced to hide in the pantry or in the bathroom:

Hiding in a locked bathroom
# ParentingIn5WordsOrLess pic.twitter.com/bzCOd3CR0M

- Cheryl Rick Klein (@ cherylt2000) August 17, 2018

Hide in the bathroom

Another, with which many of us surely identify, is caused by the lack of sleep we experience after having children:

You will never sleep again… # ParentingIn5WordsOrLess

- Ignoble Savage (@drayzze) August 17, 2018

You will never sleep again ...

Among other phrases shared by various Twitter users trying to define motherhood in five words or less, we can also find:

  • "Mom, mom, mom, mom, MOM!"
  • Where are your pants?
  • Ask your mother.
  • Is that poop or chocolate?
  • Wait, why is it wet?
  • I just want to take a nap.
  • How did they wake up already?
  • "Mom, I'm hungry again."
  • Why is it sticky here?
  • Will I urinate again in peace?
  • Oh no, there is too much silence.

The dynamics have enchanted because many identify with situations that when having children are lived again and again, or which surely we have all been through at least once, and yes, they can define what life with children is like.

Which ones would you add to the list? Tell us how would you define motherhood or fatherhood in five words or less.

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