A baby is born who survived Katrina before birth

Behind the misfortune caused by the passage of Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, there was hope.

The story of an embryo that along with another 1,399 he was rescued from the Lakeland Hospital of New Orleans two weeks after the tragedy.

Two days before the arrival of the hurricane, the hospital moved the embryos stored in liquid nitrogen tanks to the third floor to protect them from the floods that would ensue.

But the light went out. At 38 degrees of temperature and surrounded by contaminated water, they were not the best conditions for embryo conservation, threatening their survival.

Thus they remained for fifteen days until a specialized patrol opened in the mud to rescue the embryos, among which was that of the newborn baby.

Seventeen months after the great flood, Glen Markham and his wife, Rebekah were Noah's parents, a beautiful baby of 3.84 kilograms and 49 cm fruit of one of those embryos.

The child is the best proof of how life makes its way despite the difficulties of life.

From a tragedy that destroyed an entire city, a small Noah was born who can tell the adventure of surviving the flood before he was born.

Video: Choosing to have a baby 2 Katrina and John's story. One Born Every Minute (May 2024).