Child Feeding Manual

It takes 9 months from conception until the baby ends up making his appearance, during all that time he has been completely dependent on his mother's organism, he has protected, cared for, fed and finally he is already abroad ready to discover the new path that opens before him.

The dependence continues, it is otherwise but perhaps it is much more intense. During the first weeks of the baby's life, feeding is the main theme that surrounds the family's attention, it is necessary to take good care of this aspect, since it depends on its proper development, it is necessary to take into account that some organs or the system Immune are still in an immature phase. However, the little one has a powerful ally to solve this immaturity, it is breast milk, this is the best food in the world, although some mothers decide not to provide their baby with this food, others unfortunately want and can not. In any case, whatever food is going to be provided, it is highly recommended to know the pros and cons of each type, whether breast or artificial milk.

A new manual is present in the market for this function, it is the Child Feeding Manual, its author, Marta González, details the necessary information to guarantee a correct feeding of the child throughout the different stages through which it passes.

We recommend this guide of great interest that provides us with information on how to correct certain problems such as the lack of certain nutrients or the adequate prevention to avoid some of the diseases suffered in adulthood, among others.

You can find the guide in any specialized bookstore for a price around 22 euros or you can also purchase it online.

Video: Breastfeeding Tips: Common Breastfeeding Positions (July 2024).