A good example: they will create a nursery for the children of workers in a shopping center in Granada

Holidays are coming and all parents question the same, what to do with children, whether we work at home, in a ministry or in a shopping center.

What we need at this time (and also during the rest of the year) are proposals for them to have fun and we can continue with our obligations.

That is why it seemed a success the initiative to create a nursery for the children of the workers of the Open Shopping Center of Granada which is still a project but if it is completed, it would open from 8 to 23 hours.

Most of the store clerks are young women with children, so it would be a fantastic solution for them, as well as for all parents who want to leave their little ones.

Until noon it would work as a nursery and in the afternoon as a playroom for children to be entertained and cared for while their parents fulfill their workday.

I do not know if the parents will be charged for the service, I want to believe that no, as I also hope that the project is not a mere promise.

What I do believe is that it is not the basic solution to the happy conflict over the reconciliation of family and work life, but at least if the example is set in private and public companies, there will be more parents who can quietly fulfill their obligations while They know their children are safe.

Video: World's LARGEST NERF GUN!! (May 2024).