Peanut butter sandwich contest for kids

Today we met a curious contest in which the preparation of a sandwich with a scholarship valued at $ 25,000 is rewarded. Jif, one of the most important brands of American peanut butter, has been conducting this contest since 2003 and is aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 12.

Originality is rewarded, children's inspiration is a key factor in obtaining the scholarship, although parents can help them. In previous editions the contestants managed to surprise the jury with truly original creations, sandwiches, empanadas, sushi, etc. The company Procter & Gamble aims to encourage the consumption of its product among the smallest and seduce parents with the interesting prize. We do not agree with this type of contest, if we analyze the components of industrial peanut butter we can verify that it is a preparation that contains hydrogenated oils and trans fats, ingredients that contribute to overweight and obesity.

It is not the same when it comes to a homemade peanut butter, we can prepare it easily and quickly and we know that its ingredients do not involve those ingredients that are beneficial for the development of children. Anyway, surely more than one father will encourage his son to prepare something original with Jif and will not do so precisely by assessing the recommended food, but the economic amount of the prize.

In Babies and more we have always endorsed a nutritional education since childhood, few competitions for children have known where the ingredients are fruits or vegetables, at a time when society cares about the problems of overweight and obesity would be interesting some contest of these characteristics.

Video: Peanut Butter & Jelly. Kids Songs. Super Simple Songs (July 2024).