The great change of the holiday period when going back to school

Our children have enjoyed a long holiday period full of recreational activities, late awakenings and endless summer routines that are easily accommodated. In our experience, it has been tremendously beneficial for children to devote a couple of hours a day to study, as they cool down what they learned months ago and did not lose contact with books.

One of the problems that occur when it occurs the change of the holiday period for the daily school routine It is the so-called post-vacation syndrome that affects children, adolescents and the elderly, although everything depends on each individual. In the case of the little ones, sadness, melancholy or related psychological disorders can occur and as we know the mood is an important factor to enjoy good health and greater attention during the educational period that occurs. Some experts even recommend gradually accustoming the child, a couple of weeks before starting school you can start waking the child a little earlier to get used to the "early morning" to go to school, comparing it is clear with the late wake up during the holidays. As far as food is concerned, in the holidays children have varied their daily routine of meals, both the schedule and the quantity and variety are different aspects to those that are established during the school time.

Lack of concentration, drowsiness, lack of appetite or fatigue, are aspects that combine so that our children do not take advantage of school hours and also run the risk of falling ill. One of the fundamental aspects to eliminate some of these problems is food, it must be healthy and varied, always subject to promoting a good development and functioning of the organism. Fruits, vegetables and dairy products are emerging as the most suitable foods, they should really be enjoyed throughout the year, in Babies and more we have repeatedly talked about the enormous benefits that good food provides in every way.

Reviewing the daily routine of eating, remember the habits of children's breakfast, foods such as fruits, bread or dairy should be present and in a balanced amount. Breakfast time at school should be used to recover part of the energy spent, a snack is the best choice and you should discard the pastries and other products that have a high caloric load and a low protein intake, something that contributes to being overweight and obesity

The main meals must provide adequate nutrients for development, they must consist of a first course, a second and a dessert, and we must always ensure that as a whole it is balanced, alternating a main course with a softer one. It would not hurt to take a look at the post, Recommendations for healthy eating in children, through its reading we get some keys to provide our children with a healthy and balanced diet.

The snack should be an obligation and its purpose is none other than to nourish the child, but always contemplating that it is not heavy, many specialists attach great importance to the snack time. As for dinner, we must remember that after it the energy expenditure is minimal, so we should never provide our children with a copious dinner that in addition to promoting a bad dream, contributes to overweight or obesity.

Remember that food is essential for a good state of health and this will help your child to cope with greater tranquility day by day.