Professional career delays motherhood, young women resort to vitrification

Last week the II International Congress of the IVI (Valencian Institute of Infertility) was held in Barcelona, ​​where more than 500 assisted reproduction professionals met. The latest works and research were presented at the Congress Palace of Catalonia, as well as the most innovative techniques in Reproductive Medicine.

One of the data extracted from this congress is that work does condition women to delay motherhood, the test was shown showing that more and more and more women are freezing their eggs to develop their professional work at the time they deem necessary, postponing their motherhood. Before the fertility of women begins to decline, they freeze their ovules that thanks to vitrification remain in perfect condition, and when they have fulfilled their work goals, they recover them, thus saving the barriers that age I could put to be mothers.

Egg freezing was used in cases of illness of young women, but it seems that the trend is changing, Dr. Pellicer describes it this way: "The woman who is studying and finishes her career, freezes her eggs and develops her professional career , when he wants to have children, he has saved some 22-year-old eggs and he doesn't have to turn to a donor. "

Video: Tang dynasty. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).