Internet, a controlled danger for children

Parents care about the content offered by the internet to their children, although they do not prevent your access. This is what emerges from a survey conducted in the United States by Harris Interactive. The survey took data from 411 parents with children between the ages of 6 and 18, one of the questions referred to the contact of their children with content not recommended as violence or sex.

Up to 71% of parents acknowledged that there was contact with these issues, but it seems that it was considered a lesser evil since four out of five parents saw Internet as a very beneficial tool in learning and education. Regarding the permanence in front of the computer, up to 31% of the parents admitted that their children spent too many hours before him. We believe that the attitude, knowledge or motivation of a 6, 7 or 8 year old child in front of the computer is not the same as that of a 14, 15 or 16 year old teenager. They are somewhat generalized statistics that would possibly cover mostly children from 10 years.

Internet is a serious problem if parents do not carry out a strict control, we can use parental control programs, share with our children the browsing time through the network and educate them by teaching them the negative aspects offered by certain pages, this can contribute to improve your understanding of what the internet is and use it in the most appropriate way.

The survey shows that there is a great concern to avoid this type of content to children, up to 93% tried to put measures for it. It is a duality, something that benefits greatly and which in turn can harm the child's education, the network for children, must always be under control.

Video: 10 Psychology Problems Caused by Parenting Behavior (July 2024).