A woman dies per minute in the world because of pregnancy and childbirth

The data released by the World Health Organization puts the creeps.

While in the first world we have ultrasounds and consider whether to give birth at home or in a hospital, the situation that women experience around their pregnancies in other countries of the world gives us a slap of reality.

A reality that tells us that every minute a woman dies in the world because of complications related to pregnancy or childbirth, or what is the same 529,000 annual deaths, of which 99% occur in developing countries.

The main causes of death are hemorrhages (the most frequent), infections, abortions performed in poor conditions, hypertension of the mother and obstruction of labor.

While in developed countries they are treatable and controllable situations, in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia they become mortal because among other precariousness only 34% of deliveries are attended by trained personnel.

Another factor that influences is that in poor countries, women join work as soon as they give birth, which implies a serious risk to their health, when you have to leave home to bring bread to your mouth there is no time for maternal leave .

There are many efforts that must be made to reverse the situation with the conviction that it is possible as has happened in Sri Lanka, where mortality linked to pregnancy and childbirth has been significantly reduced in the last 20 years.

Video: Dad Passes Out During Childbirth. One Born Every Minute (May 2024).