Strategies to help your children fall asleep

According to experts, childhood insomnia is usually caused by bad habits that babies acquire regarding the treatment provided by parents. The most logical thing is to try to teach diverse parents strategies so they can help their children fall asleep, certainly something beneficial for the whole family.

A group of Australian experts from the Royal Children's Hospital in Parkville, has conducted research in which first-time mothers were taught various strategies to get their children to fall asleep and apparently, good results have been obtained, reducing in 42% sleep problems when babies turned 10 months and 50% when they turned 12 months.

A program with the aforementioned objective was carried out in which 328 moms distributed in two groups of 154 mothers with children who were around 7 months old participated, the help provided by the experts allowed the children to sleep better and in addition the mothers showed a improvement of your mood. One group of mothers was not subject to the teachings provided by the experts, the other was. The results showed that this group failed to improve, neither the children could fall asleep better, nor the mothers could feel better, made conditioned by the child's good rest.

The mothers of the teaching group had the intervention of a specialized nurse whose mission was to determine the causes that caused sleep disorders in babies, identify what were the most appropriate solutions to eliminate the causes and to do so, study an action plan Together with the mother. The experts proposed two ways of acting, on the one hand the so-called crying strategy, a strategy in which in the face of the crying of the child, the parents come but little by little the time frame in which they go is extended. The other strategy called "progressive exit", the parents had to remain in the room until the baby fell asleep and gradually try to reduce that time of stay until finally the baby learned to sleep alone.

It is really necessary to have help, especially if you are a first-time mother, learning how to act to ensure that the baby can sleep is essential, mother and child will thank you physically and mentally. It would be interesting that in our country a teaching program of these characteristics was created and more knowing how important sleep and rest is in babies.