The consumption of alcohol and tobacco by the father increases the risk of leukemia in the baby

We have talked many times about the negative effect that tobacco and alcohol consumed by the mother before and during pregnancy have on the baby.

However, there are not so many news that relate these bad habits in men with the future health of the child.

We have talked about the fact that tobacco reduces male fertility, but this time the news comes in another direction.

According to a research called Molecular Epidemiology of Acute Leukemia in Children of Mexico City performed by doctors from that city, the father's smoking and alcohol consumption before the conception of his children, raises the risk of generating a baby with leukemia.

The researchers explained that the effects of these drugs "produce chromosomal mutations that cause alterations of a protein called Anti-8-oxo-dG, which can cause leukemia" so they recommend that man quit tobacco from a year before conceiving.

For their part, they found that the consumption of vitamins during pregnancy, especially vitamins "A" and "E", offset the risks; since vitamin antioxidants block the toxic action of carcinogens.

But not these cases is always better to prevent. So moms and dads can give each other mutual support to quit cigarettes before thinking about enlarging the family.

Apparently, future moms are not the only ones we have to start taking care of ourselves when we plan a pregnancy. These types of studies teach us that parents also have to get in tune with the good habits for the health of their future baby.

Video: Breaking News - Not just women need to avoid alcohol to get pregnant (June 2024).