The news of pregnancy

In the movies it is very common to see how the mother, who has previously performed some kind of hidden pregnancy test, and has cried with joy, gives her a monumental surprise to the father of the creature that nothing was expected and joins in the excited crying. Surely some parents lived in this idyllic way the news of their pregnancy, but probably for most it was very different.

From what I know, to get the first news of pregnancy the mother prefers to feel accompanied, usually from her partner. In fact, it will depend on each woman, but it is recommended look for the company of whom we want when checking the test results of pregnancy. The comfort and intimacy in that moment that can be transcendent is not good that it is altered with nerves or discomfort of any kind.

Like the company, the place and time They can be important. Perhaps the cleaning of the office while our task demands us not be the place or the most appropriate time to discover calmly and relaxed that we are going to be moms. Anyway, apart from companies or places, You have to be prepared for any result. And for any reaction. We should not feel guilty or uncomfortable with the way we face the news.

Because as much as we imagine how we will react if we are pregnant, the feelings at that moment of the confirmation of the news can be very diverse and changing. Precisely for this reason it is important to seek our comfort and tranquility together with that of the couple if necessary.

If these unexpected feelings can surface in the mother herself, imagine what can happen in the father. The best would be not get preconceived ideas what will happen at the time of receiving or giving the news of the pregnancy and take some time to digest it. Surprise, joy, insecurity, fear, disbelief, happiness, anxiety ... and probably a mixture of all or some of those feelings, whatever happens inside us.

Every pregnancy is a world and every mom and dad are too. Even parents who have searched and prepared for pregnancy more earnestly may not feel the joy they expected when they saw the positive after the relevant tests. Do not grieve for it, since a baby on the way is a transcendent change in life and can cause some insecurity or fear.

Whether the baby was fervently expected or more "by surprise" has arrived, it is news that can cost to assimilate and each one must take your time. You are not born knowing or feeling like being a mother or father. The doubts are frequent and natural at the moment and from now on every new step in pregnancy can be lived with that mixture of emotions.

It could even happen that if the mother feels the first symptoms of pregnancy with real physical discomfort, this makes her feel a certain rejection by the news. The support of the couple or the family in these cases is essential to overcome those first moments that are distressing and confusing.

In any case, externalize feelings It is very positive, both to share absolute happiness and whether it is to seek answers or share doubts or fears. Talking about what happens to people closest to us will help us process the pregnancy news and assimilate it.

We have time ahead, and the good times come right away. The illusion that we may not find at this moment appears multiplied within a few days. You have to know how to get the most out of each moment.

We expect about 9 months of continuous physical and emotional changes, and facing them from the beginning with force and determination is not usual. The feelings found expire in these first moments. However, we will soon learn to enjoy them and get the most out of them. Soon, almost without realizing it, we prepare to be parents.

In addition, apart from speaking it may come in handy record in writing what happened to us when we knew we were pregnant, describe that moment. Because in the future we will like to remember it and we will realize that what we live, with more or less illusion, with greater or lesser fear, was normal and beautiful after all. And we will realize that this transcendent moment is seen differently over time.

A beautiful and endearing memory, in addition, to share and explain to the protagonist, that baby that was coming, once he has grown up.

Finally, and focusing now the communication of the news to the family, it would be advisable to wait for a prudential time, although many times the desire to shout it to the four winds and to transmit our joy makes it impossible. If you can wait, it could be at least until it has been confirmed that everything is going well and that there is indeed pregnancy and going forward. There are even those who recommend announcing pregnancy to loved ones at the end of the first trimester, when the risks of something going wrong are minimized. Visits to the gynecologist will clear up doubts. Congratulations.