Personalized children's furniture with photos of your children

Today we can find almost any object or utensil with the photo of our children printed. Although I admit that I had not seen this yet (and that my parents have a furniture store), but I was surprised and liked it. Even the same furniture in the children's room can show the pictures of the little ones.

This is what we find in the line of custom children's furniture from Alondra, which offers the possibility of stamp the photo that we choose in several of its models. The children's room would be like this with a nice personal touch, although for my liking I would choose a photo that was not of the boy or girl in the foreground, since if we choose the entire closet to make the image appear, it almost scares how big it is!

You can customize the closet, but also the crib, the crib bed and the flirtatiously smaller. I liked the varied and cheerful colors, which combine natural wood with lacquered in white, green, orange or bright fuchsia. Of course, let's think if in the future someone inherits this furniture, let's see if we are going to have to give them a coat of paint on top ...

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