Sex during pregnancy: what to expect every trimester

Let's try to take a tour of what is most common in each quarter, always remembering that each pregnancy can be unique and different, and that maintaining intimacy at this special stage can reinforce the feelings of the couple, apart from many other benefits.

During the 9 months there will be changes in our sexuality, sometimes they could be disconcerting for either party, or cause feelings of fear or guilt, or sex can now be wonderful or a mixture of all this can happen. In any case, we must live it calmly and naturally, dialoguing with the couple in case of any doubt or fear that may arise.

The most common scheme is usually the less-more-less sexual desire for quarters, but let's stop at every moment.

  • In the first trimester.

A radical hormonal change begins to occur in the woman's body. Probably tiredness and nausea, along with other early pregnancy symptoms, decrease the level of sexual desire.

This is what usually happens to most pregnant women, although there is also a percentage of women who feel more need for sex during this stage and enjoy it more due to greater sensitivity in the genital area. These physical factors can cause the woman to reach orgasm more easily at this stage. Although, on the contrary the physical factors associated with the first symptoms, together with other emotional factors, could temporarily hinder women from reaching orgasm.

It is a good time to look less rigid schedules to make love, choosing those moments of the day when the future mother feels less annoying symptoms (such as nausea, which often are limited to one or several fixed times of the day) or is more rested.

If the woman's breasts are excessively sensitive, her stimulation can be dispensed with so that she does not cause pain, although there are women to whom this sensitivity will provide greater pleasure. Once again, in practice and in the agreement the balance will come for each couple.

Vaginal secretions of women can begin to change (and will do throughout the pregnancy) of consistency, color, quantity and smell. They are usually more abundant, so penetration is facilitated, or they could alter its smell and be stronger, which could bother man. In that case, waiting immediately after bathing or using body oils may be an option.

Some statistics indicate that, at the beginning of pregnancy, approximately 40% of pregnant women experience a decrease in sexual desire, a 50%, also approximate, do not experience significant changes and 10% experience an increase in sexual desire. But these figures usually change during the next stage of pregnancy.

  • In the second quarter.

At this time the usual discomforts of the first months of pregnancy usually disappear, and the couple has adapted to their new situation, so sexual desire usually reappears. It is a good time for the exercise of vaginal muscles to improve our muscle tone for the time of delivery.

In addition, in the central period of pregnancy there is a vascular congestion that results in the arrival of more blood to the pelvic blood vessels, so there is a greater sensitivity that translates into greater sexual arousal, especially in women who They have given birth to one or more children.

Less nausea, less tiredness, less pain in the breasts ... everything will return to a certain normal. In many cases, the "procreation sex" from before pregnancy to a completely recreational sex is changed. We must seize the moments of well-being to face the final part of pregnancy ...

  • In the third quarter.

It is usual for the decrease in frequency Sexual intercourse is now more drastic than in the first trimester. The physical discomfort of the mother, the discomfort and closeness of the time of delivery, which can cause nerves, anxiety or fears, can prevent sexual desire from arising, not only with momentum, but not even weakly. It may be more difficult for women to achieve sexual pleasure during the last weeks of pregnancy, although there are some future moms who do not experience problems in this regard.

During sexual intercourse in this trimester, women can produce colostrum that comes out of the breasts through stimulation. It is nothing worrisome, we will simply be helping this milk precursor substance to be produced. If or the breasts are stimulated, it may not go out, although there are women who get colostrum droplets with orgasm.

Although, at this time, heaviness and a large increase in volume can make some sexual practices difficult, when childbirth approaches, making love is very beneficial as well. Sexual activity mechanically stimulates the cervix, naturally and pleasantly, favoring its dilation. Sex can thus serve to exercise the pelvic muscles, keeping them strong and flexible.

In addition, semen contains a certain amount of prostaglandin, a substance that can favor the contraction of the uterus. Therefore, having sex before birth can help soften the cervix, which will facilitate labor and relieve pain.

It is a good time to think that now, more than lovers, the couple will become parents, looking for and enjoying a new dimension in the relationship, even a new intimacy in the bed. It will not matter so much the quantity of relationships like the quality of these, and the emotional connection that is achieved with them, something that is only achieved after practice, patience, understanding and dialogue.

Video: What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).