Caxigalines, a children's world on the web

We frequently bring Babies and more news about crafts or stories that we can find on the Internet, along with games and other resources for the little ones in the house to learn and have fun. Caxigalines It is a virtual club that I especially liked, where boys and girls can have fun and learn based on varied proposals.

The poetry, the stories (read and heard), memory games, joining points, puzzles and other games are some of the activities that can be carried out on this children's website. They can also create and send electronic postcards, listen to songs, and there are specials dedicated to characters such as Alvin and squirrels or short jokes.

I loved it the coloring section, where children can, using a brush or mouse, paint different drawings on the screen following different techniques. There is also a Extensive album of different themes so we can print and color at home drawings of Bee Movie, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, SpongeBob, Spiderman, Dumbo, the Bratz and lots of characters and children's motifs.

In the section of "La Gacetilla", the local newspaper of Caxigalines, you can look at the novelties that appear on the web, so as not to miss any detail.


Sure the multiple game and exercise options for children they will discover interesting activities in which to stop.

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