Babies and more is renewed

Babies and more will soon be three years old, so we have considered that the time has come to renew.

As you can see, we have changed our design to surprise you with a new look We hope you like it as much as we do. We wanted to maintain our own style with which we felt identified, but with an updated design.

However, the novelty does not end there because the changes are not only aesthetic, but we wanted to enhance the participation of readers by incorporating new features and tools.

The main novelties are:

• Voting of entries • Voting of comments • Karma of commentators

Below we explain in detail its operation:

As until now, for comments you can do it through your Open ID account, a system through which with a unique identification you can comment on several websites, including Babies and more. If you don't have one yet, you can register on the server that offers WeblogsSL.

To register you must fill out a form like the one below in which you enter your data.

Upon completion, you will get a Id URL which you should use to comment that it has the following structure:

With that URL or directly placing your user you can leave a comment on Babies and more.

The first time you do it, you will be asked for permission to access the page and be able to post the comment. We can "always allow" not to have to do so with every comment we post.

Let's go now to the new features:

Ticket Voting

At the end of each post you can find the option to vote it. Clicking on the green arrow will give you a positive vote and on the red arrow, a negative one.

Based on the votes received, the list of Most voted that you can find on the side of the blog. Through it we can know your preferences better.

Feedback Voting

As with the posts, you can also rate the comments. The system is the same as for voting posts, red arrow or green arrow. Starred comments are added stars as a rating as can be seen below.

Another button in the form of a yellow triangle with an exclamation point is added inside that will serve to mark those comments that contain insults or spam. That way we can identify them better and act accordingly.

Commentator Karma

These votes will help define the karma of the commentators to know which users contribute more or less with their comments. The most voted commentators will appear in the sidebar of the blog.


To access all the features we must have previously identified through the Login option located in the upper right margin of the page. To do this, we can enter our Open ID URL, the same one used to comment, which is obtained as I explained above.

In order not to overwhelm you, in a separate post I will explain how to make your photo appear when logging in and in the comments.

We hope you like the changes we have introduced both in appearance and functionality. Your comments and suggestions will be welcome.

Video: New Owlet Baby Monitor Review Smart Sock 2 Worth It? (July 2024).