The importance of rest in pregnancy

Although, as it is often said, pregnancy is not a disease and it is not necessary to rest unless medically indicated, it is a period in which we must try to give our baby the best and as you know, rest is also health.

It is time to stop the march a little and find moments of relaxation within your daily life. Lying on the couch a few minutes a day to listen to relaxing music or take a dip can be healthy routines to incorporate during pregnancy.

At night, do not subtract hours of sleep. Resign other activities to sleep your sacred 8 hours and if possible, after lunch take a nap or at least a little head.

During the first months, the body itself asks for rest, listen to it. The typical discomforts of this stage such as nausea, vomiting, extreme tiredness and sleep are relieved with a good rest. Being tired is not a sign of weakness, much less, during the gestation of the baby the body uses extra energy, so it is logical to feel fatigued.

Try to relieve stress from your life, avoid strenuous work situations, opt for walks, learn relaxation techniques, reduce sources of noise, avoid caffeine, do things that comfort you, take a trip to rest, sleep in comfortable positions, use extra pillows to sleep ...

Rest is good for both your physical and mental health but it is also good for your baby, because if you are resting it improves blood flow by optimizing the arrival of oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

Numerous studies link maternal stress with problems in the baby, demonstrating how the mother's health status influences pregnancy. Therefore, along with proper nutrition and moderate exercise, rest is one of the essential recommendations for a healthy pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy Causing Restless Sleep (July 2024).