Pioneering technique in the world: baby born after two vitrifications

Science seems to go to the rhythm of vertigo when we talk about assisted reproduction techniques.

One of the most innovative is vitrification, about which we have begun to talk on the blog will do two years. It is a technique that began to be developed in the IVI (Valencian Institute of Infertility) that, unlike conventional egg freezing, is a freezing process with liquid nitrogen that prevents ice crystals from thawing to damage the embryo.

Well, now this technique has been double used. We have met the first girl in the world born in the summer after two vitrifications. It has been developed with vitrified blastocysts from vitrified oocytes selected through a preimplantation diagnosis (DPI).

The couple had previously undergone conventional techniques such as in vitro fertilization, insemination and intracytoplasmic injection without getting results, so they have decided to try vitrification.

They have gone to the IVI of Vigo where they implanted two vitrified embryos that have not evolved, ending in abortion. But the unused embryos, from vitrified oocytes, were in turn vitrified in a state of blast (a 5-day-old embryo). Two blasts were transferred to the woman and last August Ines was born, the first baby in the world successfully born after two vitrifications.

It is inevitable that the moral problem of the freezing of an embryo with 5 days of life and the preimplantation diagnosis, that is to say selecting a genetically embryo more suitable to develop than another, will arise. I think, and it is my very personal opinion, that it is incoherent that they question the techniques that only help to give life when on the other hand it is legally allowed to abort babies with 20 weeks of gestation.