Dermatitis is more frequent in wet cities

Dermatitis has a much higher incidence in humid cities with high rainfall, as can be seen from an investigation carried out in the three climatic regions of Spain (Atlantic, Mediterranean and Continental).

The study on the influence of climate on the appearance and manifestations of this skin disease was carried out by analyzing the data of more than 28,000 children aged 6 and 7 in 10 Spanish cities (Asturias, Bilbao, A Coruña, Pamplona, ​​San Sebastian, Barcelona, ​​Cartagena, Castellón, Valencia and Madrid).

The researchers have also analyzed the data provided by the State Meteorological Agency regarding annual temperature, rainfall, relative humidity and number of hours of sunshine for each of the regions.

In the study, recently published in the journal International Journal of Biometeorology, it is concluded that the disease appears positively associated with rainfall and humidity, and negatively with temperature and the number of hours of sunshine.

As we know, atopic dermatitis is the most frequent skin disease during childhood, it is estimated that between 2 and 20% of children, depending on the country, have or have had some degree of dermatitis during their childhood. Hopefully, this data will lead to new research that will reduce the incidence of atopic dermatitis In the little ones.

Video: Eczema: Bleach bath therapy (July 2024).