Multiple pregnancies by assisted reproduction

The number of multiple pregnancies by assisted reproduction In Spain it is considered excessive and exceeds 20% on average in Europe. Multiple pregnancies have higher risks of morbidity and premature delivery, so it is advisable to avoid their incidence whenever possible.

In Spain, one in four pregnancies achieved with these techniques is multiple. Health expenses and maternal and fetal health hazards are higher in these cases.

The data has been made public by the Spanish Fertility Society today and reveals that there are still aspects that should improve in assisted reproduction in our country.

The fundamental reason is that, although the transfer rates of three embryos have been reduced, the request for implantation of two embryos remains common. However experts say that using a single embryo does not reduce the chances of pregnancy, especially when it comes to women under 35 and with a good prognosis.

The experts of the Spanish Fertility Society have requested that the authorities carry out an awareness campaign so that parents are aware of the importance of trying to avoid multiple pregnancy in assisted reproduction whenever it is advised by doctors to transfer a single embryo.

However, given such a decision, I do not know what I would decide. Maybe it was that as many of my embryos could see the light. What decision would you make?

Video: Multiple Births and Fertility Treatment (May 2024).