Emotional preparation for motherhood

The emotional preparation for motherhood It's very important. Childbirth preparation courses usually focus on medical and technical information about the birth process, birth medicalization and traditional childcare. They teach breathing exercises and show images of births, give data, but usually leave out the enormous emotional implications of the birth of a new mother.

The physical aspects of changes in pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium are important that we know them thoroughly, but it is not less important to deepen the emotion and feelings that these processes lead to the life of the mother and her partner.

Thinking about this Materna Project, doulas association, has organized a course called "Emotional preparation for motherhood"That seems really interesting.

This course aims to offer future mothers and fathers a more complete perspective of the changes that motherhood will entail in their lives, giving the importance they deserve to emotional states and their implications during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium. They last 8 weeks during pregnancy and complete the program with two sessions when the baby is already born.

The sessions are conducted by experienced doulas and receive the support of other professionals related to motherhood. The program, of course, focuses on the emotionality, the affective needs and the importance of the link, without neglecting the medical, nutritional and practical implications.

Video: Preparing For Motherhood (July 2024).