First pregnant due to reimplantation of ovarian tissue after cancer

Women who have undergone aggressive chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments to cure a cancer have reduced their chances of becoming mothers, but new techniques have emerged that allow them to protect their fertility.

Months ago, Eva told us about a pilot test, a new ovarian stimulation technique that was being carried out and meant new hopes to conceive after cancer.

Now we know that hope has become a reality because the Doctor Peset hospital and the Valencian Institute of Infertility have achieved the Spain's first pregnancy when implanting an ovarian tissue to an cancer patient after overcoming cancer.

In turn, it is the first case in the world of a pregnancy achieved thanks to the combination of two techniques: ovarian cortex extraction and oocyte vitrification, a novel preservation technique that prevents the eggs from being damaged during their preservation .

I will try to explain in simple words what the new technique to which several cancer patients have already undergone. Prior to cancer treatment, the ovarian tissue was removed to preserve the woman's fertility before starting the sessions with chemotherapy that would leave her sterile.

The 39-year-old woman, who, if everything goes well, will become a mother in a few months, has requested after the end of the treatment that her ovarian cortex be reimplanted, the part of the ovary that makes up the follicles that in turn contain the oocytes, I was frozen in the only Spanish hospital expressly authorized to do so.

Once his ovarian tissue has been reimplanted, he returned to ovulate and underwent an in vitro fertilization technique in which fresh and vitrified ovules were used. Thus he managed to fulfill his dream of getting pregnant.

Undoubtedly, the new technique opens the door to hope for many women who once overcome cancer wish to become mothers.

Video: Live Q&A - Fertility Issues in Patients with Cancer & Blood Diseases (July 2024).