Sleeping badly can predispose to hyperactivity

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (TDHA) is currently the most frequent neuropathology in childhood. It is a problem that affects many families so it is important to know what the roots of the disorder may be.

According to Julia Paavonen, author of a study from the University of Helsinki that has just been published in Pediatrics, the lack of rest in the child implies a greater risk of suffering from hyperactivity problems and attention deficit.

Children who sleep poorly, who have sleep problems or wake up many times at night around seven or eight years have a higher risk of scoring higher in tests that determine the existence of TDHA.

It is estimated that a seven year old must sleep an average of nine to ten hours.

So that at that age they have a good sleep it is important to instill good sleep habits to our children since they are young, respecting their needs and establishing routines to help them sleep better.

We are not only what we eat, but we are also what we sleep and how we sleep. Therefore, as parents we must create a behavior that encourages a good rest in children such as taking them to bed at the same time, either day or weekend, controlling the time they watch television at the last minute of the day and Contribute to have a pleasant sleep. We will be doing a lot for your health.

Video: Why Are You Always Tired? (July 2024).