Highlights in Babies and more: from June 1 to June 7

We release the month of June and with the summer around the corner we bring you, as every Monday, the summary of the highlights of the last week in Babies and more.

As the holidays approach and the trips begin to be programmed, many of them by plane, Mª Victoria has brought us the recommendations to travel with babies: by plane.

For those moms (or not moms) who are thinking of expanding the family, we start a series of three entries to explain how to choose the sex of the baby with the Baretta method and for their husbands it may be interesting to know that antioxidants are essential for Good semen quality. We have known a different type of celebration than religious baptisms when explaining civil baptisms, what are they? and we have seen that the birth rate increases slightly in Spain.

With regard to pregnancy we have known the new recommendations for weight gain in pregnancy in the United States, we have also published the results of the survey for pregnant women, 'do you practice exercise?' That was done long ago, we have discovered the situation of some hospitals in which many mothers are left without epidural if they stop at night or on the weekend and we have touched on the issue of pregnancy and breast cancer.


Speaking of babies, we have seen that 70% of extreme premature babies survive for at least one year and we have explained the first items used to detect delays in psychomotor development in: How delays in the psychomotor development of children are detected (III) : 0 to 3 months.

About feeding we have continued explaining which water is better for babies and children (III): bottled water, we have talked about how to improve the emotional bond when the baby is fed with a bottle and we have talked about a doubt that many do not have clear : Can you breastfeed?

As there were elections yesterday, Mireia told us about an issue that affects many mothers: Electoral tables and children's rights.

Eva told us about childhood obesity by commenting on Thao, prevention program for childhood obesity and Lola, to finish, she told us the news on the blog, in terms of registration, since registering with Babies and more, now much easier and fast.

We hope to bring more interesting news during this week that begins today.

Video: Vainglory Highlights Funny Moments - June 2018 (July 2024).