In the US they plan to circumcise all newborns to prevent AIDS

The United States health authorities will they are considering the possibility of circumcising all newborns in order to prevent AIDS infections.

Recent studies show that in African countries where AIDS affects a large part of the population (Kenya, South Africa and Uganda) heterosexual men undergoing circumcision are 60% less likely to get HIV.

Given this news, a great social debate has begun with people against this measure, who believe that it is an unnecessary operation and without the consent of the children and people who support it, who believe that any measure that serves to reduce the Risk of contagion should be taken into account.

The AAP (American Pediatric Association) says that circumcision "is not essential" for the future well-being of the child, so it is an intervention that is not even covered by the public health system in some states.

In Spain it is done by claiming religious reasons, since it is considered that it is better to perform the intervention in a controlled and aseptic environment than to force the parents to travel to their country of origin to operate the child in more than doubtful conditions in some cases.

Regarding the issue of circumcision and HIV, I think it is outrageous to perform a surgical intervention on a newborn to avoid a disease whose risk of contracting it, when it grows, can be much less.

When today's babies have sex it is possible that there is already an HIV vaccine and, if not, we must continue to rely on sex education, the use of contraceptive methods that act as a barrier (condoms, to go more fast) and in the ability of each individual to have some personal hygiene.

PD: I love my foreskin. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine my life without him.

Video: Parents Circumcise male babies to fight HIV spread (July 2024).