Names for babies: mythological heroines (II)

The mythical world of Greece, one of the civilizations that has had the most influence in the development of our culture, offers us exciting stories starring women full of energy and that have beautiful names that surely can give us ideas for our little ones who are going to be born. In this new selection of names for babies inspired by Greek mythology heroines Maybe you find the name for your princess.

We start with Ariadne. She, and it was not usual, although she suffered during her life, does not have a painful destiny, but brilliant. The beautiful Ariadne was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and grew carelessly in her palace at Cnossos. But fate prepared him a very difficult test: to resist passion. And Ariadne succumbed.

And that resisting passions did not come from family. His mother, Pasifae, had conceived such a mad passion for a bull, that he had a son with him, a son who had the body of a man and the head of a bull and was a dangerous beast and eater of men. To the Minotaur was bound the fate of Ariadne.

Minos had defeated the city of Athens a few years ago in a war and as a tribute it was forced to send a group of boys and maidens year after year. These young people were expecting something more terrible than the usual slavery, they were locked in the labyrinth that kept the terrible Minotaur and served as food.

But that year, among the envoys, came a very strong and handsome prince, the son of the king of Athens. Theseus freaked out Ariadna, who didn't want to see him die and decided to help him so he could save himself. A sword and a ball of gold thread were the gifts that Theseus received from the girl.

And with them he killed the monstuo and managed to get out of the maze. Ariadna's golden thread guides the man in the dark, allowing him to retrace his steps and find the exit to light and life.

After this he took the road back to Athens and took the princess with him. However, the ship had to make a stopover on the island of Naxos to stock up on food and water and that stop was a terrible disappointment for Ariadne: Theseus got on the ship and went to the sea leaving the girl who was asleep in the beach. When she woke up, she went crazy with despair and sorrow. The man for whom I risk her position and who saved her life not only did not love her, but abandoned her to her fate in an inhospitable place.

However, his story does not end here. Dionysus saw her crying until she fell asleep again on the sand. The sleeping beauty fell in love and decided to rescue her, she who had succumbed to the sacred passion and paid so hard for it. He convinced her to be his wife, loving her eternally and making her, in the end, immortal.

Ariadna had a younger sister, Fedra. It had been many years. Theseus was an elder and a king of enormous wisdom and power. Athens began to outline itself as the great city that it will be in the future and in it Theseus ruled with righteousness and reason. I had a son, Hippolytus, a adolescent adolescent of the virgin goddess Artemis, a great hunter and devoted to virtue.

Theseus married again and chose Fedra, the little sister of that princess he had humiliated so many years ago. Fedra, like her mother and sister, was a passionate woman who let the meat dominate her mind. And young as she was, and beautiful, she despised the old man with whom she had been married as part of an agreement between states.

He conceived such passion for Hippolytus that he only thought about how to conquer it. He was spying on exercising naked, as was done then, in the gym. I was obsessed, I couldn't eat or sleep, the desire consumed her. She imagined that he loved her, cheated herself at times and sometimes fell into anguish and was consumed.

She came from a civilization in which meat was not neglected, in which women had influence. In Athens I was doomed to widowhood in life and loneliness. Amar was the only escape to his jail.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, could not consent that a boy like Hippolytus despised the pleasures of love and sensuality, so, with Fedra as an instrument, he lost it.Fedra He proposed not only to be his lover, committing adultery with his own father's wife, but also to kill the king and replace him both on the throne.

Hippolytus disgusted her. He escaped stunned and paralyzed by the enormous amount of damage he was facing. He would never have thought that something like that could get in his way. He didn't know how to tell his dear father, to whom that would break his heart.

But Fedra, spiteful and hurt, he spoke with the king first. And cheated on him. Hippolytus had tried to force her, she said tearfully, and her tears were at least sincere since her life would be shame and loneliness since then, disgusted with herself and enraged by the man who had despised her.

Hippolytus dies, cursed by her father, and she, desperate, ends her life shortly after.

We have many left baby names of heroines of classical mythology. Today we have seen the most famous Cretan princesses, in the next topic, I will introduce you to some princesses that seem taken from tales full of magic and that were possibly the inspiration of them.

Video: Rare Baby Names You'll Fall In Love With (July 2024).