Result of the survey: between 400 and 600 euros, the price of the return to school

The time has come to offer you the results of the survey that we proposed a week ago. We were wondering how much we spent on going back to school in the stage of children's education of three to six years in terms of clothing and material. As well, the majority response has been that the expense was between 400 and 600 euros.

Specifically, 43% of the votes have gone to this option. A figure that is far from the 1300 euros estimated by the Union of Consumers on the cost of going back to school in this 2009-2010 academic year (although we must take into account that we do not include tuition and other more variable expenses between public schools and the private ones).

The second most voted option has been, with 27%, the fathers and moms who spend between 200 and 400 euros with the ticket to each child's school. Those who spend below 200 euros and those who spend between 600 and 800 euros are matched, with 14% both groups.

There are also those who shoot expenses, to spend more than 800 euros, although only 2% of the votes.

And finally there is no one who does not spend a single euro on the way back to school. And I imagine that there will always be something to buy, be it new shoes (at the rate the kids are growing ...) or a new set of pencils that ended up so worn out last year that they can't even get caught.

We appreciate your participation in the surveys that we publish on the blog, through which we obtain very interesting data and know a little more about the preferences of our readers.

In summary, we can see that among our readers the trend in expenses for returning to the classroom is quite moderate, between 400 and 600 euros, although the figure still seems high to me, perhaps because I have not yet faced this situation. Surely more than one of them also implements some of the tips for a return to sustainable and responsible school.

Video: Best Laptops for Students. and anyone on a budget (July 2024).