The Baby Name Wizard helps you decide your baby's name

The Baby Name Wizard (translated as the Wizard of Names) is a very interesting tool for future parents who are looking for a name for their baby.

While it is a website in English, the archive is so large that we can find a lot of names in Spanish. In a universe of names of diverse origins we have the possibility to search for names through an advanced search engine.

In it we can enter the letters with which we want our baby's name to begin, with which we do not want to begin, number of letters and syllables. We can also indicate if we want it to contain a specific sequence of letters and the characteristics that interest us (traditional, modern, biblical, with or without a nickname, esoteric, etc.).

When we select a name, a page opens in which the origin and meaning of the name comes out, how the name sounds to other users (elegant, sophisticated, creative, sexy), a ranking of popularity of the name by countries, sibling names of children with that name and their level of popularity throughout the last decades.

It also includes an interesting section in which we find the nicknames most used for that name, celebrities who are called the same, real or fictitious, and something that I found very curious, if the name or nickname could have any inappropriate meaning in any country.

I recommend you take a walk around The Baby Name Wizard Whether you are looking for a name for your baby, if you have decided or just to have a good time.

Official site | The Baby name Wizard