The meaning of crying baby

Our baby is born with the ability to communicate, and one of the ways to do it is crying, moreover, it is the first method of communication that he will use to transmit to us what is not right in his environment or in himself, what is not likes. The meaning of crying baby This is what we are going to see in detail, to be able to begin to recognize and interpret them.

If we accept this as basic we can adapt and even interpret them better. The baby will scream and cry if he is sleepy, hungry, cold, fear, loneliness, sadness, tiredness, pain or discomfort. All your feelings and negative feelings will be able to communicate through crying and screaming.

Recognizing what the child expresses is essential to meet their needs quickly and correctly. Crying is what our little baby expresses with greater emotion and reserves for things that are paramount or very important to him. Understanding it will become something exciting, which fills us with a beautiful sense of reward and that can also serve to increase our union with the child.

We will see below the different types of crying baby and how to recognize them.

The basic pattern of crying follows a rhythmic pattern, formed by a scream, a brief silence and a whistling aspiration that flows into the beginning of the initial scream, which is repeated.

The crying of anger is similar to the basic crying, without many variations, but it is more acute, as if forcing the vocal cords.

When you are hungry the crying is severe and acute alternately and with a slow and fast rhythm also alternately. He will take a breath and if we talk to him he can usually control himself and look at us. You can bite your hands and twist them in your mouth. If we show him the food, the chest or the bottle, his cries quickly transform into a grunt of satisfaction. Obviously, even if you calm down briefly when taking it in your arms, what will make you feel good is eating.

The cry of tiredness is soft and rhythmic, almost as he sings himself to relax. Cry or not, most babies would like to be in these arms and be accompanied by our movement and soft voice.

On the other hand, if what happens to you is that you get bored, the crying will be different. A monotonous crying with rises in tone. It stops when we take it in our arms and distract it. The cry of discomfort sounds mildly similar, but it is more acute and not for when we hug it, but when we identify the cause of the discomfort, which may be the need for a diaper change.

The baby also cries if he has pain. That crying is characterized by a sudden scream, without groans, and the initial shriek follows a longer period of breathing.

Each type of crying is usually accompanied by other physical manifestations that, with attention, we can identify. Understand the meaning of crying baby It will help us to face those first months with more tranquility and to better serve the newborn.

Video: 6 different baby cries and what they mean (July 2024).