Autism and high amount of testosterone in the amniotic fluid

Our companions of Geciencia have recently told us about a subject that we have repeatedly referred to in Babies and more: the possible ones of autism. In this case it is possible relationship between the high concentration of testosterone in the amniotic fluid with autism.

The study, led by Simon Baron-Cohen and other scientists from the University of Cambridge, belonging to the Center for Autism Research at that university.

What they did was analyze the concentrations of testosterone in the amniotic fluid to which 235 fetuses were exposed. After their birth, they underwent several tests focused on the connection and communication with the mothers, to detect more or less serious traits of autistic behavior.

The conclusion of the study, very controversial, is that there is a connection between the amount of testosterone in the aminotic fluid with the development of autism spectrum disorders or with behaviors framed in said disorder. That is, male hormones are a trigger for autism from fetal life.

Autism is much more frequent in men than in women, so this thesis could explain this proportion. However, the thesis is considered to be little proven for now and it is thought, by most experts, that much more must be deepened although it may be an element that helps early detection.

It remains a mystery what is the cause of autism despite this work that It relates the high concentration of testosterone in the aminotic fluid with autism.