Despistes and clumsiness during pregnancy

As pregnancy progresses, women can suffer an increase not only of kilos but also of forgetfulness, deconcentration and motor skills. We are not able to complete a task, we forget an appointment, we drop objects from our hands ... The increase in tricks and clumsiness during pregnancy is normal, and it is due to several physical factors that affect us during this period.

Even since we feel the first symptoms of pregnancy, these distractions and clumsiness often accompany us, and most often they do so over several months.

You dismissed during pregnancy

During pregnancy they can come upon us concentration problems, you forget, forgetfulness... due to hormonal changes. It is a normal phenomenon that must be kept calm and accepted as such.

In addition, before the news of pregnancy it is normal that our mind is dedicated to exploring the new state and to continually think about the baby, if everything will go well, how the pregnancy will evolve… leaving aside other details that become forgotten.

The lack of concentration that accompanies us since the first months of pregnancy can be extended until the last trimester, when we also feel more fatigued, one more reason to remember the importance of a good rest during these months. The dismissals will continue to be present also after the birth of the baby if we continue to accumulate fatigue.

What can we do to not suffer so many misses? We can get an agenda in which to write down important appointments or get used to making lists of the tasks that we must perform or simply to organize the mental chaos that sometimes overwhelms us.

Also reducing as much as possible the concerns of our day to day, something not always easy, or setting the bar lower in our demands at work or at home can be useful to relax and minimize the "damage" by those small delays. Bad memory can be accentuated if we suffer stress, so relaxing and saving energy will help us to focus on what matters to us.

More clumsy during pregnancy

Regarding clumsiness, remember that it is also a temporary effect of pregnancy. On this occasion it acts fundamentally joint relaxation and fluid retention, which can cause the pregnant woman to hold the objects with less firmness and security.

In addition, if we suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, the consequent pain and numbness in hands, feet and joints in general will further increase the clumsiness of movements.

The lack of concentration of which we have spoken previously also affects this lower ability to develop certain actions that we previously performed naturally, without effort and without incidents.

What can we do to be less clumsy? It is something that is hardly controlled, we can simply pay more attention to pick up or manipulate objects, making the movements more solid and conscious. Also, when we cook or when driving, we will have to take extreme care to avoid accidents.

And if we consider that even with that special attention our clumsiness does not diminish, it is better to leave delicate jobs for a season.

What are the reasons?

The causes that would cause this increase in forgetfulness, misdirection and clumsiness during pregnancy are not entirely clear, although it seems clear effect of hormonal changes. It is believed to be associated with hormonal changes that would reduce the size of neurons and alter their interconnection, modifying the substances that are responsible for sending biochemical signals between them.

Other studies show that there is an alteration in cognitive function, with greater difficulty to acquire new knowledge or to remember past events.

To all this we can add a point that we have commented above: now the pregnant woman is thinking about the future, with the logical concern about whether everything will go well and about finishing the endless list of things to be prepared before birth.

When do I have to worry?

As we say, both cluelessness and clumsiness are normal during pregnancy, to some extent, which we would place while allowing us to carry out our daily lives as normally as possible, without affecting our physical or psychic health.

Only if we consider that the lack of concentration is affecting our way of life and are accompanied by suffering or lack of interest in general, or do we stop enjoying the activities that we liked before, we will consult the doctor to advise us or, if In this case, diagnose a problem, as they could be symptoms of depression.

Regarding clumsiness, it can be a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome or edema, so it is necessary that we do a medical follow-up of the pregnancy and consult the specialist to diagnose these diseases in the case of pain and excessive difficulty of movement.

But, without reaching those extremes, the tripping and clumsiness during pregnancy are normal and are due to physiological causes. And although we can use some “tricks” to mitigate its consequences, we also have to get used to living with them.

Photos | Flickr (3Neus), Quinn Dombrowski on Flickr
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