"Born in Madrid", information day on respected birth

The next May 22 will take place II Information Day “Born in Madrid” It is designed as a meeting point and information on the different respected delivery options and addresses the most common questions of pregnant women and their families.

It will take place from eleven in the morning until seven in the afternoon, with a break between two and four. The place where it takes place is the local "Entredos", in the street Marques Viudo de Pontejos, and the price is 5 euros per family.

There will be several round tables of great interest and I think they will respond to many of the reasons and concerns of women seeking a respected birth. The first round table is titled "How to make decisions about the birth of my baby?".

Starting from the fact that we are a generation of women who have grown up knowing that they can assert their opinion, knowing their rights and actively making decisions about all aspects of our lives, we face the challenge of making conscious and responsible decisions about the birth of our children and we want to do it in an informed way.

The second round table has as its central question "What are the birth and birth options that are respectful in Madrid?".

At this table professionals in childbirth care will talk about the options that women who live in Madrid have in order to prepare and live a birth respectful of their needs and their convictions. The speakers belong to different areas, public health, private health and home care, with the purpose of offering a broad picture that allows making the most appropriate decisions for each circumstance.

The last round table addresses another important issue that should not be forgotten in order to begin the experience of motherhood with the best guarantees. "How can I prepare the puerperium and postpartum?".

In our urban society it is very unlikely that we have accompanied a puerperium in all its complexity and depth. Women and our families can rely on various professionals who can accompany us on this wonderful journey of motherhood and the true adventure that is the care of our daughters and sons.

This round table will address three main issues: breastfeeding, care in the puerperium and emotions and family relationships in this process so intense that it follows childbirth.

I think it's worth going to this "Born in Madrid" day if you are expecting a baby or if you plan to get pregnant soon, and also go accompanied by your partners and family members who will be the closest in the process. No doubt many questions can be cleared and you will face motherhood with greater security, especially if you are looking for a respected birth.

Official page | Born in Madrid (under construction) In Babies and more | Born in Madrid

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (June 2024).